Friday, January 15, 2016

Top 10 List of the Easy Paleo Diet Plan Do’s and Dont’s

If you’re ready to get started on a Paleo Diet Plan and start living a Paleo/Primal lifestyle then here’s my quick start list to get you on the right path.  So, without further ado let’s crack on…

#1. Cut out grains (in particular gluten grains such as wheat, barley & rye), vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed, safflower, etc.) and sugar.

These are novel additions to the ancestral human diet, especially in the quantities we have in our food today and are the likely culprits in many chronic diseases afflicting industrialized countries.

This probably means avoiding 99% of all supermarket foods that come in a box or jar and definitely means no bread, pasta, bagels, biscuits, crackers, cakes or breakfast cereals and supermarket bought mayonaise and sauces, etc.

Get in the habit of reading food labels and begin to realise just how much wheat flour, vegetable oil, soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners and flavour enhancers such as monosodium glutamate, hydrolised vegetable protein, yeast extract, maltodextrin, etc., are in processed foods (none of which we really want to be metabolizing too much of, if any at all).

White rice may be OK for most people but best to avoid eaing too much if trying to lose weight or have blood sugar problems.

#2. Eat plenty of meat, fish, fowl/poultry, eggs and plenty of all types of vegetables (although best to avoid too many potatoes if trying to lose weight or have blood sugar problems).  Try melting some butter over your veg and see how good they taste then.

Liver now and again is very nutritious.  Bacon is compulsory Top 10 List of the Easy Paleo Diet Plan Dos and Donts .  No weighing, measuring or calorie counting – eat until you are satisfied then stop.

Drink water, unsweetened tea or coffee.  Easy on the diet coke, the artificial sweetener (aspartame) can interfere with the brain cells that control appetite and weight regulation.

#3. Eat fat for fuel – it’s the stuff in step #1 that leads to heart attacks and makes you fat, not saturated and animal fats. So don’t bother with most stuff marketed as low-fat.

Cook with butter, ghee, lard, dripping or coconut oil.  Olive oil is also great and is ideal for salad dressings (with a splash of balsamic vinegar).  Avocado’s are awesome, especially in guacamole.

Fat makes your food taste good, fills you up and keeps you satisfied so you don’t feel hungry in between meals – it’s how we are evolved to eat.  If you do get hungry between meals and need to snack, then you’re not eating enough at meal times.

#4. Supplement with omega 3 oil or make sure you eat a couple of servings of oily fish a week (sardines, mackerel, salmon, etc.).

#5. Consider a vitamin D supplement, especially if you don’t get out in the sun often.

#6. Best to avoid milk (try cream in your coffee if you don’t like it black).

Fermented dairy such as cheese and yogurt are OK for most people (although check the label on yogurt and go for unsweetened, full-fat varieties).  Some people will do best avoiding dairy altogether.

#7. Avoid or go easy on the legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) and make sure they’re properly prepared if eating.  Best to avoid peanuts and unfermented soy products completely.

#8. Red wine (1-2 glasses a day), dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), fruit, nuts & seeds in moderation are all OK as an odd treat.

#9. 80/20 rule – eat this way 80% of the time and enjoy a guilt-free cheat day once a week.

#10. Get some exercise (lifting weights is good to maintain and build lean muscle mass) and get 8 hours quality sleep a night.

So there you have it – getting to grips with steps 1-3 will give you the most bang for your buck but the further you can work down the list and incorporate them into your lifestyle the better and quicker results you’ll start to see.  So what ya waiting for? more info here

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